Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oh My - Sydney's Closet Starry Nights Ball Gown in O, The Oprah Magazine!

Oh! What a huge fashion scoop.  Sydney’s Closet “Starry Nights” ball gown,  Style SC3018,  seen on page 142 of the February 2012 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine!

A team of dream experts from the esteemed mag gave Samantha, a highway construction worker from New York, a chance to gaze into the mirror and have her true fashion-and-beauty soul gaze back.  Her reflection showed Samantha’s inner Princess staring back wearing Starry Nights in a jewel-toned violet with black.

“In 12 hours I’ll be back in a hard hat and boots tearing up concrete.  Right now, though, I feel like royalty,”she told the magazine’s dream team when photographed after the dramatic hair, beauty and fashion makeover.

Now it’s your turn to be a Princess!  Click out Starry Nights at Sydney's Closet to see more pictures of this bestselling evening gown available in three glamorous colors sure to win over any Prince:  Black Cherry, Black Sapphire and Black Violet.

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